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Section: New Results


Participants : Damien Hardy, Byron Hawkins, Nicolas Kiss, Kévin Le Bon, Erven Rohou.

Compiler-based automation of side-channel countermeasures

Masking is a popular protection against side-channel analysis exploiting the power consumption or electromagnetic radiations. Besides the many schemes based on simple Boolean encoding, some alternative schemes such as Orthogonal Direct Sum Masking (ODSM) or Inner Product Masking (IP) aim to provide more security, reduce the entropy or combine masking with fault detection. The practical implementation of those schemes is done manually at assembly or source-code level, some of them even stay purely theoretical. We propose a compiler extension to automatically apply different masking schemes for block cipher algorithms. We introduce a generic approach to describe the schemes and we manage to insert three of them at compile-time on an AES implementation. A practical side-channel analysis as well as fault injections have been performed on an Arm microcontroller to assess the correctness of the code inserted.

The resulting compiler plugin (sigmask) is registered with APP under number IDDN.FR.001.490003.000.S.P. 2018.000.10000

This research was done within the context of the project ANR CHIST-ERA SECODE.

Program protection through dynamic binary rewriting

Programs written in languages such as C and C++ are prone to memory corruptions because of the manual management of the memory from the programmer. Even today, memory corruptions are among the most dangerous vulnerabilites. According to the MITRE ranking, these bugs are considered one of the top three most dangerous software vulnerabilites.

Thanks to our library Padrone, we are able to instrument the execution of a program with a minimal overhead, making it possible to move or add code in the target process during its execution. We showed that we can change the address of a function at runtime, thus presenting a moving target to an attacker, and making attacks more difficult.

Many security policies have been developed to protect programs. One of them, the Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) ensures the control-flow of the program cannot be altered, preventing the execution of malicious code. Unfortunately, implementations of precise CFI impose a consequent overhead in performance, due to the instrumentation of the execution of the program. We work on building a solution that is able to adapt its protection level to the situation. Adapting the protection level allows us to reduce even further the overhead in performance when the protection is not needed.